Holy Mass with the Bishop of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam, His Excellency John Hendriks, in the Chapel of the Lady of All Nations

With joy and thankfulness, the rector of the chapel, Fr. Gabriel Heinzelmann, greeted Bishop John Hendriks on January 17, 2021, at the beginning of Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Lady of All Nations. It was the Bishop’s wish to officiate as main celebrant at both Sunday Holy Masses. He thanked the believers for their faithfulness and showed great understanding for their sorrow regarding the developments pertaining to the Lady of All Nations. Then he confirmed for them that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, despite the negative judgement, had also found gracious words for the devotion to Mary as Lady and Mother of All Nations and that, with the blessing of the Church, the spreading of the image and the prayer may continue and also the Days of Prayer may take place.
Bishop Hendriks encouraged the attentive listeners: “If you have questions, you may turn with confidence to the priests or the sisters of the Family of Mary or also directly to me.”
His presence and his encouraging words really consoled our international community here in Amsterdam and gave them new courage to continue working for devotion to the Mother of All Nations.

At the end of the Holy Mass, Fr. Gabriel gave Bishop John Hendriks a portfolio with testimonies from cardinals, bishops, priests and believers about the works of grace accomplished by the Mother of God as the Lady of All Nations. The testimonies, as required by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, did not make reference to the messages or apparitions. Bishop Hendriks was visibly pleased.